
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Perks of Band

So, yesterday, I walked over to say hi to my two friends in band, and then just as I'm about to get it them, another friend of mine runs over to me, pointing and yells:


So what do I do? I run where she's pointing and I hurry over as the guy sets the amazingly awesome praying mantis down and I scoop it up and I carry it back to my stuff, but on the way to my stuff, like a thousand people surround me and say oooh awww it's so cool and awesome stuff like that, and it crawls over my face, and everyone is like: "Does that creep you out?" And I'm like. "Nope."

But then it flies away and all of them scream and I'm just laughing.

So there's my cool bug story, the greatest one of all time. My friends are the BOMB. (sorry, I've been watching a lot of iiSupermanii videos so now I sound like her, which is okay, because she is AWESOME.)



Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fall is upon us

The end of bug season is near, so what does that mean?


All the bugs I have at the moment, not including Charles and Wally, will be let go this Friday into proper spots I know they will be able to get a good hiding spot and get all they need for fall and winter to come.

Of course I'll video tape it, are you kidding? It's a big deal!

With that said, this blog and Facebook page won't have much on it during the fall and winter months, since there aren't a lot of bugs, but I still have Charles and Wally so you'll hear about them a great deal. The goal is to keep all of them warm!

Hope you're all having a great Hump Day!


Saturday, August 16, 2014


So today while I was getting dirt for my Grubb, I lifted up a log and there were two. GIANT. CRICKETS.


And as a nice bug lady, I caught them and made them a home! Can't wait to hear their songs at night!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Praying Mantises!

I found a praying antics best today, and I am very excited because I have been looking for a praying antics for a month now and have yet to find one. But today was my lucky day!

As you can tell, I am very excited!

Have a picture of a praying mantis and a snail. (Obviously photoshopped.)


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Caterpillar Family!

I found two more caterpillars today! One of them has eggs!


Cool Bug Pictures

My bugs have been doing cool stuff lately! And I took pictures!

Someone shed!

And so did this cabbage bug!


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Super Awesome Caterpillar!

Today, while I was walking the dog, I found this awesome caterpillar chewing on a leaf.

He looks pretty fierce with that fake stinger in the back to keep predators away!

Not sure what type he is, but I am very excited to see what he'll turn into!


Friday, August 8, 2014

RIP Igor!

My wolf spider, Igor, died on Monday while I was gone at camp. I'll miss him a lot, but he's gone to Heaven to be with his other bug friends!!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Bug Burials

Buried quite a few bugs today and yesterday. My little spider, Leaper, my grass hopper, Hopper and the moth babies...

Also went down to find that an animal had dug up my grass hopper and ate him. I think he smelled the container I put him in. (an old cream cheese container) still very disappointing. Put a huge rock over the new grave site, hopefully that'll keep the animals out.

A sad day in nature today.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

House improvement!

Moved my wolf spider, Igor. Into a bigger home! He's rather enjoying living in palace.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Igor the Spider

So, last night, my papa emailed me and told me he caught a giant spider for me. And being as awesome as he is, he named it Igor, and brought it over to my house this morning.

I'll admit, he IS creepy, and I was a little scared of transferring him. I even had a fly swatter with me just in case. (I know, I know. Totally against all bug lady code.) But this guy is pretty darn huge.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baby Bug Boom!

So many babies have been coming out these past few days! First the moths, and now the baby spiders!


Monday, July 14, 2014

Moth Week!

Moth Week is coming! July 19th to the 25th. And I am so very excited!

What you need to do:

Hang a sheet outside during night and hang a light out by it. Take pictures of all the moths that come to it, and view them and take notes! It's also a good activity to do as a family as well! 

Maybe you'll find a moth that's a mother, and have some babies!


Baby Moths!

This morning, I came downstairs to discover that the eggs had hatched and there were tons of baby caterpillars climbing around the container!

I know Ginger would be very proud of her babies!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Camping! Day #1

Day one, and I've already found a really awesome bug!

But, when I got back from looking around, he had shed his skin and now looked like this:

God is so amazing when it comes to His creatures!


Camping! Day #2

The bug I found yesterday change yet again!

More to come later!

EDIT: Went humming bird feeding, but got these dudes instead.

And I had a photo shoot with some praying mantises.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Off to camp I go!

My family and I are off to go camp! And I am bringing a lot of jars and containers for the bugs I am to find! I will keep you all posted!


Friday, July 11, 2014

Slug Slime, a sticky situation

Today, I went bug hopping. (basically I went looking for bugs.) And I looked under some logs in our yard and I found a whole lot of those orange colored slugs.

Super excited, I stuck a few in my container, and I brushed my fingers off in the grass trying to get the slime mostly off of me. Then, I found a daddy long leg, and I tried to coax him into the container, (he tried to run as all bugs do) and I finally managed to get him in there, after a little bit more time of finding some other critters, I discovered that the daddy long leg had gotten himself covered in the orange slime from the slugs and was now dragging along a pebble and another worm like creature I had found.

And like a good bug lady, I laughed. It was hilarious, the poor guy couldn't move his giant legs anywhere, and the little worm thing kept trying to pull away but the daddy long leg kept yanking him back again. And the slugs, being slow things as they were, just sat there.

When I got myself inside, I had to take the poor stuck together daddy long leg and I dumped him and his worm friend into the daddy long leg container. This didn't work out, the things I had in there started to stick on him once again, and he was even worse than he was before. I pulled him back out and I started to take off the stuff from his legs and get the worm creature off of him, (who is now covered with slime) and then I sprayed him, hoping that would help, and then I dumped him back into the daddy long leg container. At least he'll be easy prey for the other daddy long leg.

Long story short, if they made a horror movie about a giant slug, I would probably have nightmares. That slime is horrible and I've gotten it on my fingers more than once and it takes a long time to get it off. And you would probably get caught in it, and the giant slug would run over you and then you would die. So I think the scariest bug would be a giant orange slug.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

How to Make a Slug House

My first tutorial! Yay!! 

Today, I decided that I wanted to give my slugs a bigger place to live. They had been very happily in a jar, but I decided they needed a bigger place to live.

So, I found this giant bucket,

And I put in some dirt:

Then some sticks and some grass. 

I added a bigger piece of wood, since I often find them on those.

Make sure to make it moist, slugs need water to survive. But don't drown them.

And then you're ready to add some slugs! 

All done! :)

Feel free to request any other bug tutorials! ^.^


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weird Bug Wednesday! #2

Saw a moth today, but wasn't able to get a picture. It looked something like this:

So cool! It also had feathers for antee as well.


Monday, July 7, 2014

New Bug Alert!: Hopper

Today while I was mowing, I found this little guy jumping around. I named him Hopper!

He's cute, isn't he? He already escaped once, had to tape up the rest of the holes in the tank lid!


Countdown to baby moths! Day 9

No change...starting to worry if they'll hatch at all. I think Ginger is gone. </3. But she lived a good life!


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stacking the Hive! #1 Parts 1 & 2

This was the surprise I was working on! There are two parts because my camera is lame, but my sister helped me out.


Countdown to baby moths! Day 8

Should be any day now! The new ones have started to get little black dots on them. Ginger is slowing down....I may have to bury her tomorrow...


Daddy Long Legs are Cannibals

So, long story short. I opened the container I keep my daddy long legs in, and I excepted the little one I caught a few days ago to be trying to escape like it always does, but this morning, it wasn't there. I peered inside a little bit more. (Hey, those things scare me just a little bit, k?) And I just saw my huge one, I looked in closer and then I saw it. The horror, the murder scene.

Just the legs of the littler daddy long leg...nothing was left of him.

Horrified, I poked the bigger one, and he started to move, that told me that yes, he was still alive and no, no other strange thing had eaten the other one.

This had happened a few days ago, with a even smaller one, but I didn't think about it until I saw that yet another one was dead.

On the bright side, I won't have to worry about catching tiny bugs for them to eat, I'll just find smaller daddy long legs for my bigger one to eat. Also, who knew that they are desperate creatures like us humans are, and will end up eating our own if that's all we have left to eat to survive.

No many things yet to discover about the bug world...


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday Surprise

Well, YouTube hates me. I will have to let the Cool Video upload over night and I'll edit it tomorrow! Sorry for the wait!


Count down to baby moths! Day 7

They haven't hatched yet! Ginger laid some more eggs, and I transferred them to the nursery. They're smaller than the other ones, I have a feeling they'll all hatch at different times.


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Raven the Millipede

Today, I went out praying mantis hunting, but instead I found a whole lot more then that, minus a praying mantis...

I found this!

I named her Raven. She gives off a fruity scent, I think it's her defense smell.

I'm planning something cool for Saturday! Stay tuned!


Count down to baby moths! Day 5

Nothing new yet...I will keep ya'll updated! I sprayed the eggs with some water...should be very soon!!!


10 Facts about Fireflies

It's firefly season, and how many of you have caught them and stuck them in a jar and most likely the next day they've died? Well, news flash, they spend most of their life under ground, and they come out of the ground to mate, and they live about 7-14 days.

Want some more facts? This website is very helpful.


Baby Millipede is growing up!

If you remember, I caught a little baby work thing a few weeks ago, and my sister and I decided it was a baby millipede, and today, when I checked on him...

He's looking more like his older counterparts!

He used to look like this:

And his older counterparts look like this:


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Count down to baby moths! Day 4

Nothing new. No new eggs. Mama is still alive so perhaps more will come soon. All the eggs seem to have black dots on them.

They should hopefully hatch here soon!! 

EDIT UPDATE: She laid some more earlier today on the bottom of the cage. I won't be able to get them without hurting them, so they'll end up hatching in the main container with their mother.


Weird Bug Wendesday! #1

Ive decided to make Wedesdays Weird Bug Wednesdays. And I found a really weird bug yesterday while I was bug hopping in an old pile of fire wood.


I didn't want to keep him, he looked really happy in his environment. What weird bugs have you seen lately? 


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tic or not to tic...

There have been a lot of accounts people screaming out: "AHHH IT'S A TIC IT'S ON ME OH MY GOSH AHHHH". (I may have over dramatized that, but that's what all the complaining sounded like in my head.)

But not to worry, those bugs you think are tics aren't. And how did I know? Well, first off. Tics don't fly. These little bugs do. Second, tics bite, these bugs don't. Third, these little bugs have a snout, tics don't.

So clearly, it wasn't a tic. Why people even thought they were made the bug side of me very upset, but I well just suck it in for now.

But here's what a tic is:

Gross right? Yeah, gross.

This is the little bug that you unfairly thought were those horrible looking creatures above.

This is a billbug, it's a type of weevil. It's harmless, and all they are doing is looking for a mate.

Here's an article that goes into some more depth about the topic.


Ant Tuesday! #1

I decided to film my ants every Tuesday for you all to see! Here's the first video:

They were being extra cute today, and very active.


Count down to baby moths! Day 3

Day three! I am getting really excited for the babies to be born! Ginger laid three more sets of eggs!

It's getting crowded in the bug nursery...


Monday, June 30, 2014

Count down to baby moths! Day 2

This afternoon, when I came back from color guard, I discovered there were two sets of new eggs in Ginger's cage! Which means she's still alive and well. 

I was confused on how there were so few when moths usually lay about to about 40. So I'm sure more are on the way! I wonder if they'll all hatch at once...


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Count down to baby moths! Day 1

Im all ready for the baby months! They should hatch in 2-10 days.

Sadly, female moths die after giving birth, but Ginger is still doing well, so I'll keep ya'll updated. 


Ginger's a mom!

This morning I woke up and I saw tiny little white dots on a leaf in Ginger's cage. I looked closer, and sure enough, they were eggs!

She looks really tired, but hey, I would be too if I just gave birth!


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Attack of the tiny black bugs

Today, I had tag day for my color guard. We stood outside of Walmart and held a sign and people gave us money. I was there for hours, and while we were standing out there, there were these tiny black bugs, that kept landing on us. I didn't get any pictures, but this is what they looked like:

They're called weevils. Very interesting name. They were really annoying, and they flew. But they didn't was like they just wanted a little attention.


Friday, June 27, 2014


Today at VBS, my youth pastor caught this month and have it to me.

I named her Ginger. She's beautiful. 

Have you found any neat bugs lately?


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bug(s) Alert!

Here are the other bugs I got today! 


Baby Pill Bugs!!

Today, I went out to that ant colony I found on Tuesday, and I ended up getting more than just ants. I got a beetle a spider, and some pill bugs. Which is what this post is about.

I had them all in one jar while I was outside because I only planned on getting ants, so I had to divide them all up. So while I was getting the beetle out of there and the ants, I noticed that someone gave birth in the whole process. I thought to myself, those don't look like ants, and the ants I got aren't the ones that give birth and they're certainly not that beetle or the spider...So I decided they were pill bugs and they are so adorable I tell you. I will try to get pictures, but they're so small and white! SO CUTE.



This little guy is in the jar with my worms. He's buried himself pretty far down.
