
Friday, July 11, 2014

Slug Slime, a sticky situation

Today, I went bug hopping. (basically I went looking for bugs.) And I looked under some logs in our yard and I found a whole lot of those orange colored slugs.

Super excited, I stuck a few in my container, and I brushed my fingers off in the grass trying to get the slime mostly off of me. Then, I found a daddy long leg, and I tried to coax him into the container, (he tried to run as all bugs do) and I finally managed to get him in there, after a little bit more time of finding some other critters, I discovered that the daddy long leg had gotten himself covered in the orange slime from the slugs and was now dragging along a pebble and another worm like creature I had found.

And like a good bug lady, I laughed. It was hilarious, the poor guy couldn't move his giant legs anywhere, and the little worm thing kept trying to pull away but the daddy long leg kept yanking him back again. And the slugs, being slow things as they were, just sat there.

When I got myself inside, I had to take the poor stuck together daddy long leg and I dumped him and his worm friend into the daddy long leg container. This didn't work out, the things I had in there started to stick on him once again, and he was even worse than he was before. I pulled him back out and I started to take off the stuff from his legs and get the worm creature off of him, (who is now covered with slime) and then I sprayed him, hoping that would help, and then I dumped him back into the daddy long leg container. At least he'll be easy prey for the other daddy long leg.

Long story short, if they made a horror movie about a giant slug, I would probably have nightmares. That slime is horrible and I've gotten it on my fingers more than once and it takes a long time to get it off. And you would probably get caught in it, and the giant slug would run over you and then you would die. So I think the scariest bug would be a giant orange slug.


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