
Monday, June 30, 2014

Count down to baby moths! Day 2

This afternoon, when I came back from color guard, I discovered there were two sets of new eggs in Ginger's cage! Which means she's still alive and well. 

I was confused on how there were so few when moths usually lay about to about 40. So I'm sure more are on the way! I wonder if they'll all hatch at once...


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Count down to baby moths! Day 1

Im all ready for the baby months! They should hatch in 2-10 days.

Sadly, female moths die after giving birth, but Ginger is still doing well, so I'll keep ya'll updated. 


Ginger's a mom!

This morning I woke up and I saw tiny little white dots on a leaf in Ginger's cage. I looked closer, and sure enough, they were eggs!

She looks really tired, but hey, I would be too if I just gave birth!


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Attack of the tiny black bugs

Today, I had tag day for my color guard. We stood outside of Walmart and held a sign and people gave us money. I was there for hours, and while we were standing out there, there were these tiny black bugs, that kept landing on us. I didn't get any pictures, but this is what they looked like:

They're called weevils. Very interesting name. They were really annoying, and they flew. But they didn't was like they just wanted a little attention.


Friday, June 27, 2014


Today at VBS, my youth pastor caught this month and have it to me.

I named her Ginger. She's beautiful. 

Have you found any neat bugs lately?


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bug(s) Alert!

Here are the other bugs I got today! 


Baby Pill Bugs!!

Today, I went out to that ant colony I found on Tuesday, and I ended up getting more than just ants. I got a beetle a spider, and some pill bugs. Which is what this post is about.

I had them all in one jar while I was outside because I only planned on getting ants, so I had to divide them all up. So while I was getting the beetle out of there and the ants, I noticed that someone gave birth in the whole process. I thought to myself, those don't look like ants, and the ants I got aren't the ones that give birth and they're certainly not that beetle or the spider...So I decided they were pill bugs and they are so adorable I tell you. I will try to get pictures, but they're so small and white! SO CUTE.



This little guy is in the jar with my worms. He's buried himself pretty far down.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Cockroach!

I got brave and touched my Madagascar hissing cockroach today! Which has a name, Wally. (As I had to chase him across the floor because he got freaked out and ran from me. Let's just say he can climb up walls too...)

Here's him on my hand.

This is after I got him calmed down. I'm really excited about my new pet!!

Check out my YouTube channel later for a video of me petting him for the first time!


Worm Jar

Here's the picture of my worm jar like I promised! :) 


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Worm Adventure

It rained today, and like a good bug lover, I went out and decided to look for worms. And I found a lot of bugs, as well as worms. 

I made a worm jar, I will take a photo here soon. 

But here's a picture of the new millipede I found:

He's pretty cool.


New Bug Alert!!

My Madagascar hissing cockroach came today! I have yet to name him, I may make a poll and have ya'll vote. I haven't held him yet, I'm letting him settle first. I'm really excited to have him join my Bug Fam!


I gave my ants a new snack...

Let's just say, they really love shredded wheat. It's the reason they break into our house in the first place. They don't usually get such good food, so they're pretty excited.

You can view the video here.



Hello there, and welcome!

I see you're one of the brave people who decided to read my blog. Trust me, all bugs here can't overly scary, I promise. They're all cute.

Check out the pages and meet me and all the bugs!
